I’m Not as Good at English as I Thought I Would Be


When I was young, I thought that English was going to be easy. My parents put me in an international school where English was the main language of instruction. I learned the language from a young age, so it came naturally to me. However, as I got older, I began to realize that I was not as good at English as I thought I would be. In fact, I struggled with many aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In this article, you will learn about my experiences and the difficulties I faced as a non-native English speaker.


I grew up attending an international school where English was the main language of instruction. I was surrounded by students and teachers who spoke English fluently, so I thought I would naturally pick up the language. I was mistaken. While I did learn a lot of English, I soon realized that I was not as good at it as I thought I would be.

Grammar has always been a challenge for me. I struggle to remember the rules and apply them correctly in my writing and speaking. This has led to many awkward moments where I have misused certain words or phrases. For example, I once told a friend that I was “excited to go home” when I actually meant “exhausted.” My friend was confused and, needless to say, I was embarrassed.

สารพันคำถาม (FAQs)

Q: What are some common mistakes non-native English speakers make?

A: Non-native English speakers commonly struggle with grammar and pronunciation. They may also have difficulty with idioms, phrasal verbs, and colloquial expressions.

Q: What can non-native English speakers do to improve their skills?

A: Non-native English speakers can improve their skills by reading, writing, and speaking English as much as possible. They can also take classes or work with a tutor to focus on specific areas of improvement.

Q: Is it possible for non-native English speakers to become fluent in the language?

A: Yes, it is possible for non-native English speakers to become fluent in the language with practice and dedication.

Q: How can non-native English speakers overcome their fear of speaking English in public?

A: Non-native English speakers can overcome their fear of speaking English in public by practicing with friends or family members, joining a language exchange group, or attending English conversation clubs.

Vocabulary is another challenge for me. While I have a good grasp of basic words and phrases, I often struggle with more complex vocabulary. This makes it difficult for me to understand academic papers or have in-depth conversations with native English speakers. I have found myself relying on Google and online dictionaries to help me understand what I am reading or hearing.

Pronunciation is also a challenge for me. English has many sounds and intonations that do not exist in my native language. This can make it difficult for me to communicate effectively and be understood by others. I have found that practicing my pronunciation through tongue twisters and listening to audio recordings can help me improve.

สารพันคำถาม (FAQs)

Q: Is pronunciation important when learning English?

A: Yes, pronunciation is important when learning English, as it can affect how easily you are understood by others.

Q: What are some techniques for improving pronunciation?

A: Some techniques for improving pronunciation include practicing tongue twisters, listening to audio recordings, and working with a tutor to identify and correct specific pronunciation issues.

Q: Do non-native English speakers have to speak like native speakers to be understood?

A: No, non-native English speakers do not have to speak like native speakers to be understood. However, improving pronunciation and reducing accents can help improve communication.

Q: Are there any online resources available for improving pronunciation?

A: Yes, there are many online resources available for improving pronunciation, including YouTube videos, mobile apps, and websites such as speechling.com.

Despite these challenges, I refuse to let them hold me back. English is a vital language in today’s globalized world, and I know that improving my skills will open up new opportunities for me in the future. I have taken steps to improve my English, including taking classes and working with tutors. I also try to read and write in English as much as possible, and I make an effort to speak with native English speakers whenever I can.

สารพันคำถาม (FAQs)

Q: Can non-native English speakers overcome their language barriers and succeed in a globalized world?

A: Yes, non-native English speakers can overcome their language barriers and succeed in a globalized world by improving their language skills and taking advantage of opportunities to practice and use English.

Q: Are there any benefits to being a non-native English speaker?

A: Yes, there are many benefits to being a non-native English speaker, including having a unique perspective, being able to communicate with people from different backgrounds, and bringing diversity to workplaces and communities.

Q: What advice would you give to non-native English speakers struggling with the language?

A: My advice to non-native English speakers struggling with the language would be to not give up. Learning a new language takes time and patience, but with dedication and practice, it is possible to improve. Seek out opportunities to use English, whether through classes, conversation clubs, or online resources, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

In conclusion, being a non-native English speaker has had its challenges, but I am grateful for the opportunities it has given me. I know that I still have much to learn, but I am committed to improving my skills and communicating effectively with others. For anyone else struggling with English, I urge you to keep going and never give up. With dedication and hard work, anything is possible.

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