Kh คือ ใคร? คำถามที่ต้องรู้ก่อนใช้ภาษาไทย


Kh is a Thai word that may cause confusion to both native speakers and foreigners. It can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Therefore, it is important to understand the meaning of this word in different situations.

What does “Kh” usually mean?

Kh is often used as a polite particle or a suffix attached to the end of a sentence to show respect and acknowledgement. In many cases, it is an alternative to the more formal particle “ka” that is commonly used by Thai women. It is also used as a way to soften the tone of a statement or a request.

– “Sawasdee Kh” (hello)
– “Khorb Khun Kh” (thank you)

The pronunciation of “Kh” is often subtle and unsounded, and it may be difficult for non-native speakers to differentiate it from other Thai words.

When is “Kh” not used as a polite particle?

In some situations, Kh can also be used to refer to a person or a group of people. This meaning is often used in a familiar or a casual context.

– “Kh Jaa” (my friend Ja)

It is important to be careful when using “Kh” with someone you do not know well, as it may be seen as disrespectful or inappropriate.

What are the different tones of “Kh”?

Similar to other Thai words, the tone of “Kh” can vary depending on the tone marker used. There are four main tones in Thai language:

– Mid tone (Kh with no tone marker)
– Low tone (Kh with the mai low tone marker)
– Falling tone (Kh with the mai glaay tone marker)
– High tone (Kh with the mai tohng tone marker)

Each tone has a different meaning and connotation, so it is important to use the correct tone in each situation.


Q: Can “Kh” be used by men as well?
A: Yes, “Kh” can be used by both men and women.

Q: Is it mandatory to use “Kh” in every sentence when speaking Thai?
A: No, using “Kh” is not mandatory. It depends on the level of formality of the situation and the relationship between the speakers.

Q: Can “Kh” be used with family members or close friends?
A: It is not common to use “Kh” with family members or close friends, as it may sound too formal or distant.

Q: Can non-native speakers use “Kh”?
A: Yes, non-native speakers can use “Kh” to show respect and politeness. It is important to use it appropriately and with the correct tone.


Understanding the meaning and usage of “Kh” is essential when speaking Thai. It is a versatile word that can be used in different contexts to convey politeness, acknowledgement, or familiarity. Knowing the appropriate way to use “Kh” can help improve communication and build better relationships with Thai speakers.

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