มัง งะ: สังคมแห่งความสมบูรณ์แบบในโลก Mushoku Tensei

This article will explore the concept of มัง งะ (manga) in the world of Mushoku Tensei (Jobless Reincarnation) and how it represents a society of completeness. It will discuss the importance of creating a world where all individuals have a sense of belonging and purpose, and highlight how the portrayal of characters in the Manga reflects this ideal.


Mushoku Tensei is a popular Japanese light novel series and anime that has gained a huge following around the world. The story revolves around the protagonist, Rudeus Greyrat, who dies in his previous life and is reborn in a fantasy world as a baby named Rudeus. The world of Mushoku Tensei is magical, and the society that the characters live in is one of completeness, where everyone has a purpose, a sense of belonging, and a role to play.

มัง งะ (manga) in Mushoku Tensei

Manga plays an essential role in the world of Mushoku Tensei, as it serves as a mechanism for sharing ideas and stories that help shape the culture and beliefs of its inhabitants. The manga in Mushoku Tensei is not merely a form of entertainment but serves as a tool for societal progression.

The society in Mushoku Tensei values the education and development of its citizens. As such, the manga is a vital aspect of education in the world of Mushoku Tensei. The stories in the manga teach the readers about different aspects of life, such as emotions, relationships, history, and even magic. The manga acts as a form of escapism for the people of the world, allowing them to experience different realities and explore their imagination.

The Importance of Completeness in Society

The portrayal of the society in Mushoku Tensei emphasizes the importance of completeness. Every individual has a role to play in society, and everyone is needed to create a functional and prosperous community. There is a sense of purpose and belonging that every individual has, and this creates a harmonious and peaceful existence.

In Mushoku Tensei, there are no outcasts or marginalized groups. This is because every individual is valued and has a unique contribution to make to society. The society promotes the idea that every individual has something valuable to offer and that their skills and abilities are needed to maintain the balance of the world.

The role of Personal Responsibility in Society

In the world of Mushoku Tensei, there is a strong emphasis on personal responsibility. Every individual is responsible for their own actions, and there are consequences to every decision that is made. This idea is portrayed through the main character, Rudeus Greyrat.

Rudeus, who is reborn as a baby in a magical world, faces many challenges and obstacles throughout the story. He has to learn to take responsibility for his actions, and accept the consequences that arise from them. This is a valuable lesson that every individual in society needs to learn. It promotes the idea that individuals have the power to change their lives, and that they have control over their destiny.

The Role of Education in Society

Education is a vital aspect of the society in Mushoku Tensei. The manga is used as a tool for education, and the society places a great emphasis on the development and education of its citizens. This idea is perpetuated through the character of Rudeus, who is encouraged to develop himself both intellectually and emotionally.

The society values knowledge and promotes the idea that knowledge is power. This is evident through the strong emphasis on magic and spellcasting. Those who possess knowledge are revered, and their skills are highly sought after. This is an important aspect of society, as it encourages the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge.

The Role of Relationships in Society

Relationships play an essential role in the society of Mushoku Tensei. The society places a great emphasis on establishing strong relationships between individuals, whether familial or romantic. This is evident through the character of Rudeus, who develops strong relationships with his family members and friends throughout the story.

The relationships in Mushoku Tensei are portrayed as being integral to the happiness and well-being of individuals. The society promotes the idea that individuals need social connections to thrive and that a fulfilling life is one that includes strong bonds with others.


Q: Why is completeness important in society?

A: Completeness is important in society because it creates a sense of purpose and belonging for every individual. When everyone has a role to play, and everyone is valued, it creates a harmonious and peaceful existence.

Q: Why is personal responsibility important in society?

A: Personal responsibility is important in society because it promotes the idea that individuals have control over their lives and their destiny. It encourages individuals to take ownership of their actions, and to accept the consequences that arise from them.

Q: What is the role of education in society?

A: Education is a vital aspect of society, as it encourages the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge. It promotes the idea that knowledge is power, and that individuals have the power to change their lives.


Mushoku Tensei represents a society of completeness where every individual has a purpose, a sense of belonging, and a role to play. Manga plays an essential role in this society, serving as a tool for education and societal progression. The portrayal of characters in the manga reflects the importance of personal responsibility, education, and relationships in creating a harmonious and peaceful society.

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