เลือดล้างหน้า อาการ และสาเหตุที่เกิดการหลุดเลือด


เลือดล้างหน้า, which is also known as epistaxis, refers to bleeding from the nose. This condition can occur due to various factors and can be a cause for concern for many people. In this article, we shall take a closer look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment of เลือดล้างหน้า.


There are many reasons why a person may experience เลือดล้างหน้า. Some of the main causes of this condition include:

1. Dry air

Dry air can cause the nasal membranes to become dry and cracked, leading to nose bleeds.

2. Allergies

Allergies can irritate and inflame the nasal passages, which can lead to nose bleeds.

3. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus cavities, which can cause nose bleeds as well.

4. Trauma

A person can experience เลือดล้างหน้า due to physical trauma, such as a blow to the nose, which can cause the blood vessels in the nasal passages to rupture.

5. High blood pressure

People with high blood pressure may experience เลือดล้างหน้า due to increased pressure in the blood vessels.


The main symptom of เลือดล้างหน้า is bleeding from the nose. Depending on the severity of the bleed, the amount of blood can vary. In some cases, people may experience dizziness, weakness or fainting due to the loss of blood.


The treatment for เลือดล้างหน้า depends on the severity of the bleed. If the bleed is mild, the person can treat it at home by tilting their head slightly forward and pinching the nostrils together for 10-15 minutes. This will help the blood vessels to constrict and stop the bleeding.

If the bleed is more severe, the person should seek medical attention. A doctor may use special nasal sprays or cauterization to stop the bleeding. In extreme cases, the person may need to undergo surgery to stop the bleeding.


1. What should I do if I experience เลือดล้างหน้า?

If you experience เลือดล้างหน้า, you should tilt your head slightly forward and pinch your nostrils together for 10-15 minutes. This will help the blood vessels to constrict and stop the bleeding. If the bleed is more severe or you are experiencing dizziness or weakness, you should seek medical attention.

2. How can I prevent เลือดล้างหน้า?

To prevent เลือดล้างหน้า, you should avoid blowing your nose too hard, avoid picking your nose, and keep your nasal passages moist by using a humidifier. You should also avoid touching your nose with dirty hands, as this can introduce bacteria into the nasal passages.

3. Can high blood pressure cause เลือดล้างหน้า?

Yes, people with high blood pressure may experience เลือดล้างหน้า due to increased pressure in the blood vessels.


In summary, เลือดล้างหน้า is a common condition that can be caused by various factors. While mild nose bleeds can be treated at home, more severe cases may require medical attention. People can prevent เลือดล้างหน้า by taking steps to keep their nasal passages moist and avoiding behaviors that can irritate or inflame the nasal passages.

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