ตื่นตัวรับรู้! แฟน ผม เป็น ประธาน นักเรียน นัก แสดง


ตื่นตัวรับรู้! แฟน ผม เป็น ประธาน นักเรียน นัก แสดง is a popular Thai drama series that follows the life of a high school student who becomes the president of his school’s drama club. The series explores themes of friendship, family, love, and the struggle to balance academic and extracurricular activities.

Plot Summary:

The story revolves around a high school student named Win, who is a talented actor and singer. Despite excelling in his studies and extracurricular activities, Win is initially not interested in running for the position of the president of the drama club. However, his friends and fellow club members convince him to run for the position, and he eventually accepts the challenge.

As the school year progresses, Win faces numerous challenges as he tries to balance his responsibilities as the club president with his academic workload. He also has to deal with interpersonal conflicts within the club, romantic relationships, and struggles with personal insecurities.

Throughout the series, the audience follows Win and his friends as they navigate the challenges of high school and discover their true passions and identities.


ตื่นตัวรับรู้! แฟน ผม เป็น ประธาน นักเรียน นัก แสดง explores several themes that are relevant to high school students, including:

1. Friendship
2. Family
3. Love and relationships
4. Personal identity and growth
5. Balancing academic and extracurricular activities

These themes are tackled through the experiences of the characters in the show, providing a relatable and engaging storyline for the audience.


1. Is ตื่นตัวรับรู้! แฟน ผม เป็น ประธาน นักเรียน นัก แสดง based on a true story?

No, the drama series is a fictional story.

2. What age group is the show suitable for?

The show is suitable for teenagers and young adults.

3. Is the show available on streaming platforms?

Yes, the show is available on several streaming platforms, including Netflix and iFlix.

4. Is there a season 2 of the show?

At the time of writing, there has not been an announcement regarding a season 2.


ตื่นตัวรับรู้! แฟน ผม เป็น ประธาน นักเรียน นัก แสดง is a compelling and relatable drama series that explores the challenges and triumphs of adolescence. Through its multidimensional characters and engaging plotline, the show provides viewers with an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience. Whether you’re a high school student or an adult who wants to reminisce about their teenage years, this show is a must-watch.

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