เรียนรู้คำคม 90 เพื่อพัฒนาชีวิต


“เรียนรู้คำคม 90 เพื่อพัฒนาชีวิต” (Learning 90 aphorisms to develop life) is an excellent way to develop positive thinking and character. These wise words are not mere phrases; they are the essence of powerful and profound truths that can change the way we look at life. Learning and practicing these 90 aphorisms can enrich our life, provide us with insights into deeper meaning, and empower us to handle life’s challenges with grace and optimism.

1. What is an aphorism?

An aphorism is a concise statement of a truth, principle or observation expressed in a memorable or witty manner. It is a succinct statement that captures the essence of a complex idea or principle. Aphorisms are also known as proverbs, maxims, adages or sayings.

2. Why should one learn aphorisms?

Learning aphorisms can have many benefits. Firstly, aphorisms can inspire and motivate us. They can provide us with clarity and help us understand the things that matter most in life. Secondly, aphorisms can help us develop resilience and positive thinking. They can also help us to express our thoughts and feelings more effectively. Thirdly, aphorisms can help us build deeper connections with others by expressing shared values and beliefs.

3. How can learning aphorisms improve our lives?

Learning aphorisms can improve our lives in many ways. They can help us develop a positive mindset and a more optimistic outlook on life. They can also help us to be more accepting of the world as it is, rather than constantly striving for perfection or trying to control everything. By teaching us the importance of virtues like patience, perseverance, and kindness, aphorisms can help us to become better people and live happier, more fulfilling lives.

4. What are some of the most popular aphorisms in Thai culture?

There are many popular aphorisms in Thai culture. Some of the most well-known include:

– ก้าวแรกสู่การเปลี่ยนแปลง (The first step towards change)
– ไม่เห็นภาพ ไม่เชื่อ (Seeing is believing)
– ช้างตายทั้งตัว เอาใบบัวมาทำพักตัว (When an elephant dies, all parts of its body can be used)
– อย่าเชื่อคนดีเลย เพราะคนดีก็มีชีวิตไม่ดี (Don’t judge a book by its cover)
– ไม่ใช่เราเองเท่านั้นที่เจ็บปวด เพื่อนรักก็เจ็บปวดด้วย (It’s not just us who suffer, our friends suffer too)

5. How can one integrate aphorisms into daily life?

Integrating aphorisms into daily life can be easy and rewarding. One way to do this is to create a set of index cards with different aphorisms written on each one. Then, carry these cards around in a pocket or bag and take a moment throughout the day to read and reflect on one of the aphorisms. Another way to integrate aphorisms into daily life is to use them as a source of inspiration when facing a difficult situation. By recalling an appropriate aphorism, we can often find the strength and perspective we need to navigate the situation with grace and maturity.


“เรียนรู้คำคม 90 เพื่อพัฒนาชีวิต” or Learning 90 Aphorisms to Develop Life is a powerful tool for cultivating positive thinking, character, and resilience. By learning and practicing these wise words, we can improve our lives in many ways, including developing a more optimistic outlook on life, becoming a better person, and building deeper connections with others. With so many benefits to be gained, it is well worth taking the time to learn and integrate these powerful aphorisms into our daily lives.


1. How long does it take to learn all 90 aphorisms?

There is no set time to learn all 90 aphorisms. It depends on how much time and effort you are willing to invest. However, if you can learn and reflect on one aphorism per day, you can learn all 90 in about three months.

2. Are there any books or resources available to aid learning of these aphorisms?

Yes, there are many books and resources available to aid in learning these aphorisms. Some of the most popular ones include 90 คำคมเจ๋งๆ (90 Amazing Aphorisms) by ศศิธร วีระรัตน์ (Sasithorn Wirarat), ภาษาฝั่งมอด – 90 พจน์เทพลักษณ์ (Mod language – 90 Tepalak Aphorisms) by สมชาย มาลาแม่ (Somchai Malamae), and เดินตามคำถามตนเอง 90 ตัวช่วยในการดำเนินชีวิต (Follow Your Own Questions – 90 Tools for Living Life) by วิโรจน์ สุวรรณเมธา (Wirach Sawanmthaa).

3. Can these aphorisms be applied to all areas of life?

Yes, these aphorisms can be applied to all areas of life. They are not specific to any one area but rather provide a general framework for positive thinking and personal development. Whether you are facing challenges in your personal or professional life, these aphorisms can help you to navigate the situation with greater ease and grace.

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